I Know What to Bring to the Table Funny Meme

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We all love memes. The concept is simple - funny photos or videos with hilarious or relatable captions that reach thousands, or millions, of people across the internet.

Viral memes reach beyond mainstream social media and spread across all niches and interests, from reality TV to restaurants. We could all use a laugh after a long shift, so here are restaurant memes that scream "this is my life" for everyone who has worked in a restaurant.

A Misconception of Priorities

It's common for customers to assume that orders come out in the order of who's seated first. But when they take half an hour to order and ask for a steak well done, it's difficult to bring out their food before the table that ordered a grilled cheese and water.

Though the customer might be annoyed by the wait, being asked "where's my food" every ten seconds isn't a great experience either.

The Inevitable Screaming Child

A family walks into the restaurant with their child who doesn't even have enough teeth to eat any of the meals listed on your menu. Just when you think that ten-hour shift couldn't get any longer, a two-year-old's screams are now the soundtrack to the remainder of your night.

Who Pays The Check?

I think that everyone has experienced that awkward moment when the check is placed on the table, and you wait to see who will pick it up first. Eyes dart back and forth between the table, and you can cut the tension with the one butter knife that left on the table. Suddenly, someone picks up the check in a panic and becomes the delegated accountant at the table, telling everyone how much they owe.

From a server's perspective, most times it's more stressful to try and split a check twenty ways between debit, credit, and cash. Cross your fingers, and hope that your archaic POS can handle the stress you're about to put it on. Or maybe, if you're lucky, the old clunker will finally give out, and your management team will finally invest in a more modern POS.

To-Go Troubles

Customers love off-premise dining, whether it's ordering online for takeout or delivery or going the old-fashioned route and calling in an order. For restaurant workers,, it's not always easy to explain the entire menu over the phone during a rush. The last thing a server wants to do is list the 20 different salad dressings that come with the side salad. Meanwhile, a line is building up outside the door and those who took the time to come in and read the menu have to wait even longer. It's enough to make you want to finally cave in and register your restaurant on an online ordering site, or even get an in-house software to do the job in a more cost-effective way.

Rush Madness

Restaurant rushes are no joke, and anyone who's worked in a restaurant knows the palpable shift from before the rush to the middle of the madness. It starts off with two friendly tables just looking for a quick bite to eat. Next thing you know, the restaurant is packed from top to bottom, there's a line out the door, and four out of seven of your tables are asking for the only two ketchup bottles left.

At times like this, the best you can do is take a deep breath and think about that post-shift drink you'll enjoy in five hours.


Let's admit it - whether you're a server or a customer, we've all been in this situation. When you're told not to touch a hot plate, your immediate instinct is to see how hot the plate really is. But one thing is for sure - you can't blame the server for not warning you!

A Closing Shift Horror Story

It's 9:55, half of the tables are turned over, and you've already closed down one of the registers for the night. Then you hear the chime of the bells coming from the door, and a chill goes down your neck. A horde of hungry college students storm in, and want to eat whatever pizza they can get their hands on. Unfortunately this isn't a Stephen King movie.

The Chain of Blame

If you think your memory is better than writing down an order — you're wrong. But do you know how you can be even more efficient? Take orders using a handheld POS. This way you can minimize errors, and your tickets are sent directly to the kitchen. Now you'll never forget to ring in a ticket again!

Restaurant Memes and Videos Any Lifer Would Love

Who knew that viral videos and memes could so accurately describe your life at the restaurant? And more importantly, who would have thought that restaurant technology could help save some of these problems? Don't worry, this doesn't mean that this is the end of restaurant memes. In the ever-evolving restaurant tech scene, there's always room for some after hour laughs.


Source: https://pos.toasttab.com/blog/on-the-line/best-restaurant-memes

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